Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Whole Lotta Nothin'

Y: OR ghosts are here because they can't move on. A la the Marley brothers. 
Me: Look at you whipping out your Dickens.
Y: LMAO. Jackass. I was drinking coffee!


G: Who's ready for the 1st annual margaritas and fajitas fest?!
E: Ok
Y: Annual?
Me: You do know that 'annual' means you have one every year, right?
G: DUH! I know what annual means. Like annual breast exam.
Me: LMAO What the FUCK
E: LOL Whaaaaaaat
R: LOL That is...random
A: LMAO Why WHY is that the first thing that came to mind?? I'm thankful it was but still
G: LMAO Shut up. I...shut up
Me: We love you. We're here for you.
E: Oh. Em. Gee. We can totally get chemo together!!!
R: lol So THAT'S what you do in your free time
G: lol SHUT. UP.
Y: So that was a girdle I felt through your clothes the other day? Or a bra?
A: I didn't know you had manboobs
R: LOL It was man spanx!
Me: LOL So you can share chemo with E and then go over to visit the girls and share undergarments
A: You just tripled your wardrobe, hun!


W: Did you knock boots with the mountain?
W: *youngin


TV Show: "Oh, DiDi is just a nickname. My real name is Judith."
*puzzled looks on everyone whilst I bust out laughing*
Me: What the hell kinda nickname is that?? That's like, "Oh my nickname is G but my real name is Mustafa."

And thus, my new nickname (Mustafa) was born. But at least it's a family name.