Friday, November 15, 2013

Make Mine A Double

I dropped the ball last week and forgot to post a song on Friday so we'll make this one a twofer. And the two songs couldn't be more different.

Lost All Composure When I Laid My Eyes On You

Yes, I am still on a TLC kick. That was a damn good movie. It's had me listening to their entire discography for weeks now and realizing just how awesome it all was. It really is a shame that it ended when it did. I think  the brilliance of the "CrazySexyCool" album gets lost in the shuffle sometimes. Don't get me wrong, "FanMail" was also amazing and remains one of my favorite albums of all time. But CSC was pretty decent too. I can't listen to it beginning to end the way that I do the FM album, but it still has some standout tracks and this is one of my favorites.

Touch Me But Don't Take Me Down

This is my second favorite song of all time (the first being "Imagine"). I could ramble about how great it is, about how the mood of the song just grabs you. But then we'd be here for a long ass time. So just enjoy.