Sunday, September 9, 2012

Auto (Erotic) Correct

Cousin: I'm excited to get into Ando.
Me: ...
Cousin: Ann Dover!
Cousin: Bend over!!
Cousin: Noooooooo!
Cousin: I'm so excited to get to BEND OVER!
Me: LOL Wow
Me: You know...
Cousin: Don't. Say. ANYTHING. lol
Me: This is the most laid back coming out I've ever been a part of. And that's saying something since your brother came out over Thanksgiving turkey.
Cousin: LOL. Shut up.
Me: lol Have fun bending over this week.
Cousin: lol I hate you. You will tell NO ONE of thistle!
Me: LOL! But I like thistle...I want to share it with others.
Cousin: Son of a bitch! lol. I'm going to stop texting now.
Me: Probably wise
Cousin: Your time will come and we will all make fun of your auto-correct issues, son.
Me: Oh I'm sure. [My brother] already said he can't wait til I accidentally text something to mom about a tranny and it all falls into place for her as to why I'm not married yet.
Cousin: lol I await that text with more anticipation than I can express right now.
Me: Are you more or less excited about that than you are about bending over? lol
Cousin: Steve Jobs has played the best prank on the world with auto-erect
Me: LOL Aaaaaaand he completes the hat trick
Cousin: LOL It is fitting, isn't it?

(He was on his way to Andover, least I thought he was before this exchange.)