Sunday, September 16, 2012

i'M Lovin' It

It has been a great day for me, even though it started with phone issues. I keep my phone either under my pillow or on my headboard, (you know, in case an ax-wielding murderer breaks in at night or the zombie apocalypse finally happens). But last night I fell asleep while talking to a friend and woke up to find my phone on the floor. I wanted to apologize to the friend for having passed out (and apparently also hanging up) before saying goodnight so I started texting just that. I hit 'send' and got back a failure message which never happens on my phone so I tried again. Same result. I tried to make a call and got a different message about how I had no service, even though I had full bars and the Verizon logo on my screen. I figured it was one of two things; the end is here and today we all die, or I didn't pay my bill. And I was sure I'd paid my bill. Once I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and the zombie theory out of my brain, I realized that today was iPhone day. The woman I talked to about waiting to activate my phone said I needed to plug it into iTunes before it would be good to go and I assumed that meant my old phone would work until I set up the new one. But apparently when Verizon says, "activation takes place on September 16th", they mean it and cut off your old stuff off when the clock strikes twelve PDT. I'd planned to wait until the afternoon to activate it because I had a busy morning and no time to transfer anything, but ended up frantically activating it with guidance from a friend. (While I was doing this, my old phone inexplicably delivered the texts it had previously refused to send. Ah, technology.) I had to leave my contacts behind most of the day, except for the ones who texted me while I was out. Once I got home, I synced myself silly in iTunes and have been exploring the world of Apple technology ever since.
I am a day into being an iPhone user and I find myself both enthralled and disgusted by my new toy. Enthralled because I literally have not put it down the entire day, and disgusted because the damn thing is smarter than me. I had been told a number of times how an iPhone would change my life and I scoffed every time. But I scoff no more mi amigos because this tiny machine is awesome. I can see an entire conversation in one glance, instead of having to click through each individual text like on my old phone. I can text with one hand, rather than having to flip open my phone to get to the keyboard, which is one of the main reasons I decided to upgrade. It was becoming very difficult to haul a 4-year-old around and try to text on a phone that required both hands to do so. Obviously I am now immersed in the world of apps and constant Internet connectivity, which is good and bad. I've kinda liked not being "always on" but it's probably better that I am now that the kid is in school. I've found some cool apps (there really is one for everything) and I'm acclimating to using a touchscreen (not as gross and gunky as I thought it would be, thanks to a screen protector). I've already dropped it once and held my breath as I checked for damage (there was none, thanks to a case). So far, so awesome. The one thing that I was hoping to improve hasn't though, my call clarity is still awful. It seems to get better or worse depending on which part of town I'm in, but it's never as great as Verizon promises it should be. But I guess you can't have everything.

(Written on my fancy new iPhone)