Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Have To Say It Was A Good Day

I am exhausted but I can't get to sleep. I meant to go to bed at around 11 last night because I knew I had a long day ahead of me but that didn't work out. I didn't even climb into bed until around 1:30 and then got a few texts I needed to respond to, which kept me up until almost 2:30. I finally started to fall asleep but I would wake up every hour or so for no reason. It was one of those things where I was anticipating my six am wake up call and worrying I would miss it. Of course it was one of those days that was perfect for sleeping in so when my alarm went off the last thing I wanted to do was get up. But I did and jumped in the shower, where I found a big ass dead spider. And I thought it was gonna be one of those days where nothing goes right. Instead, my day quickly turned positive. By the time I woke up, coffee was already made and eggs were scrambling on the stove. All of my early and important stuff went swimmingly and ended earlier than I expected. I was home by 2, but it seemed much later since I'd been up with the sun. I felt a bit in a fog but still decided to try and squeeze in some work, and ended up getting way more done than I thought I would. My day ended with pizza, friends and a mini "Lost" marathon and all of those things are awesome. And now I'm I'm bed. It's almost 2:00 and, again, I am still up. For some reason my body is fighting getting rest and I will likely pay for it tomorrow. But today was a good day and an unexpected one at that. You gotta take in the little victories y'all.