Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fuckers Crossed

I have had my iPhone two weeks now and have had my share of 'Wtf are you thinking Steve Jobs' autocorrect moments. I have texted my best friend that I can't wait to have hot cocaine now that the weather is turning (obviously meant cocoa). I have asked my mother if it was cold this Mormon and before I noticed the typo she texted back that it wasn't too cold but she doesn't know many Mormons (my mom never misses a beat and I love it). I've also made texting gaffes that I will never live down, most notably my text that said, 'You weren't responding to my sexy' (meant texts). I get a comment about that one at least once a day. Truly, the iPhone has enhanced the lives of everyone I know. But all of those pale in comparison to what happened yesterday. One of the awesome things about my phone is that I can IM from it and I was doing just that with a friend I haven't talked to enough the last few days. We were discussing a trip to Mexico next year and I intended to say, 'fingers crossed'. But iPhone said no. And hilarity ensued.