Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bros Before Hos

I woke up this morning to this text:

Friend: Just thought I'd share that my boyfriend tried to give me shit because of you. And I didn't care. That is all.

This morning I inquired as to what happened with the boyfriend and was confused by the reply. According to her boyfriend, no dude communicates on a daily basis with a chick he's not interested in, therefore I must be harboring some secret feelings for her that I have yet to confess. Well gee, by that reasoning I must also have feelings for every female friend in my life. Who knew I had so many unresolved feelings? Oh wait, knew that. Seriously? Are we like back in the stone age where women can only have contact with their significant other and no other men? Because that's effin ridiculous. It's about to be 2014 and, last I checked, platonic relationships between women and men are pretty commonplace. My best friend is a chick. A few other of my closest friends are chicks. I love them as people, I love them as friends, I consider them to be family. I talk to them frequently, I bounce ideas off of them and we talk about all kinds of different stuff. Do I have secret feelings for any of them? Nope. They're no different from the dudes I'm friends with, except they have much more common sense and a better approach to problems. We all click with who we click with, regardless of gender. At least, that's how it should be. Some people ARE capable of friendship without sexual benefits or secret feelings. And just because YOU wouldn't do something a certain way, doesn't mean someone else wouldn't. We're like people that way. We all have our own thoughts and stuff, ya'll.
This is not the first time I've come across this issue. The BF and I were roommates for years and a handful of our significant (or, as it were, insignificant) others voiced their issues with our arrangement. Neither of us ever got why they had a problem with it. It's one thing if we were living together, occasionally hooking up or something like that, but we weren't. If my roommate had been a dude, there wouldn't have been an issue. But because it was a chick, ish got all territorial and I didn't like that. Many relationships, for both of us, came to end because the people we were dating couldn't handle our friendship. It got to the point where I began saying up front that my best friend was a chick whenever I started dating someone new. I couldn't believe how big of a problem it was. Some of them were upfront about it, some of them kept their feelings about it on the low and they'd only surface every so often, like when in the midst of a fight. My old friend Agent W's last boy toy (I think it was the last one, I can't keep up) didn't understand why she needed anyone in her life but him. No friends, no family, no nothing. But they had a tiff specifically about our friendship. A similar tiff to the one she had yesterday with her current boy toy (his logic was covered at the beginning of this blog). And I still don't get the big deal.