Tuesday, December 10, 2013


BF: I need you to turn on the charm for this client
Me: Girl or guy?
BF: The female of the species
Me: Hey girl, let's go have some sex
BF: LOL. Um, while I have no doubt that would work, let's try something more conventional
Me: Hey girl, let's go have some sex in a conventional position
BF: LMAO. You win.
BF: What would you have said if it was a dude?
Me: Probably the same thing lol. It's for money, after all.
BF: lol True dat


[While watching the movie "Blast From The Past", about a guy who grows up in a bomb shelter because his parents believed nuclear war had begun.]

Friend: I guess that's what you have to do to raise a decent man. Keep him in a bomb shelter for 35 years. Then he gets manners and respect for women.
BF: Hey! These two [alluding to the cousin and I] didn't grow up in a bomb shelter and they have manners and respect for women.
Cousin: The ghetto, yes. A bomb shelter, no.
Me: With questionable role models, definitely. A bomb shelter, no.