Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hilarious People

One of my friends received the gift of laser hair removal for the holidays. She, her sisters and their mother all redeemed the gift the day after Christmas.

Her: One of my sisters got her legs and hey nanny nanny done
Me: LOL. GO TEAM HEY NANNY NANNY!! *waves giant foam finger*
Her: lol I'll tell you where to stick that finger
Me: lol Don't take your laser rage out on me. I'm not the one who forced you there.
Me: Na na na na, na na na na, hey nanny nanny hair, goodbye
Her: LOL It's sad how much I love your ridiculous ass

[Two days later]

Her: I had a dream about my dad...where I handed him a baby.
Me: A baby...turtle?
Her: No. A baby girl
Me: lol Are you sure it was a baby and not just one of your freshly lasered sisters?
Her: lol Yes damn you, I'm sure


This same friend had a little incy-dent on the Facebook last week. And of course I took advantage of the situation.

Her FB Status: The lady month of my twenties starts tomorrow and oh my damn is this accurate! [link to a story about life in your early twenties vs. your late twenties]
Her comment: LOL Ummm "lady month" should say "last month"... 
Me: LMAO I was like, "You only got one the entire decade?". I guess all those hormonalpalooza fights meant nothing...
Her reply: LOL Bite me


Just before Christmas, G and I attended a hockey game. He had a bit too much of the holiday spirit and...well...

Me: LOL We're at the hockey game and they played, "I Love Rock & Roll" during a break. G is so durnk, he sang the song at the top of his lungs and when the music cut out, he was still singing
Friend: LOL Yeeeees!!!
Me: He says to me, he says, "You think anyone heard me dude?". Everyone staring at his drunk ass.
Friend: Please film that.


My gay cousin continues to play the field (kinda). It seems to be musical boy toy between his boyfriend and the dude he made out with at Thanksgiving. Today, the pendulum swung yet again...

BF: So apparently your cousin is bringing [boy toy] to Vegas.
Me: I thought he was bringing his boyfriend?
Other cousin: No, now he's decided to bring the hook up.
Friend: Good god. Pick a gay, man.
Cousin 2: Why pick one when there are so many to choose from? lol
BF: lol Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all
Me: It's the most wonderful tiiiiiime to be queer.
BF: LOL You win.