Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Positively Entertaining

G: I don't find Tom Cruise sexy at all, do you? How it do Giuseppe?
Me: ...
Me: Who is this?
G: LMAO. Dammit.
Me: Um...seriously, who is this? lol
G: Your damn cousin has been leaving random ass text on my phone. If I don't remember that, I just type whatever I want and hit send and then both messages go out. I don't know why I married her.
Me: lol That is genius. I'ma do that to [Y]
Me: Are you sure it's her? That sounds like something any of us would do when you're not paying attention.
G: lol Yeah. I'm HIV postive
G: Son of a bitch!! I'm POSTIVE. NOT with HIV!! I don't know where that came from lol
Me: Well...
G: lol Shut up
Me: This has been a revealing conversation
Me: I like how you were quick and to the point about it though. The direct approach is best when delivering news like that
G: Fuck you lol
Me: lol Uh, you might wanna choose your words more carefully, G.
G: LOL. I fail at life.