Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pin The Sexual Harassment Suit

[While watching "Pleasantville"]

Character in movie: "I know which one this is! You wanna ask her out and then you wanna give her your class pin!"
BF: One date and she gets his class pin.
Me: Oh, I think you've been pinned after one date before.
BF: But not in black and white.
Me: More like by both blacks and whites
[BF shoots me a look of death]
Me: Stop me when I lie!
BF:'re half right.


Me: Do you know anyone who would be interested in being my assistant?
Friend: I might
Friend: Are sexual favors involved? Is it that kind of "position"?
Me: lol Uh no. No sexual favors required.
Friend: Oh, then no, I don't know anybody lol