Sunday, January 5, 2014

Daniel, My Brother, You're Fickle As Can Be

In four months, I will become an uncle for the sixth time and I'm all kindsa excited about it. By the time the little dude arrives, my nieces and nephews will be; 15 (FIFTEEN!!), 10, 10, 6, and 4. Not to mention, Miss N will be 6. That is just insane, they really do grow up too damn fast. Before I know it, Miss N will be yelling, "But daddy I love him!" and (if she's anything like me) disregarding perfectly good advice, thinking she knows it all and her mother and I know nothing. But I digress. The new nephew is due around my birthday and, keeping with my sister-in-law and brother's tradition, he will be named after a family member. Their oldest son is named after my brother-in-law and I, their daughter is named after our surrogate grandma. But only one of each of their names is taken from someone else, the other name is one not found anywhere in the family line so the kids can feel "unique". As if that weren't enough, all will go by their middle names, their "unique" names (or some form of them). This has made choosing a name for the newbie quite the challenge. He already has his middle, family name so we're after a first name that goes with it. I've taken it upon myself to come up with that name. And if you know me at all, you know I tend to be terrible at naming other people's kids. As my brother says, "Why is it that when you name something of mine, it's an awful name but when you name your kid, it's beautiful?". A good question, indeed. I've been detailing the attempts to name the kid on Twitter and, needless to say, it's not going well. These people don't like ANY name, not even perfectly decent ones. So I've decided to call him Sir Elton, a name that was shot down in flames but that I'm going to use until he's born (ah hell, maybe even beyond). He just strikes me as a flamboyant lad, full of personality and questionable decisions. Fonz knows he's difficult, since he doesn't seem to like any name we give him either. Four months and counting...