Friday, January 24, 2014

The Rookie

Today we pause in remembrance of our longtime friend Agent W. Don't worry, she's not dead. She's just turning 30 today. THIRTY. 3-0. Meaning, we now both have those blasted 3's in front of our age. I've made peace with my own age, hell, I forget how old I really am half the time anyway. Agent W has been coming to terms with 30 for about a month now (ever since she realized this would be her first "lady month"). But still, neither of us can quite grasp it. I still remember when she was a youngin, around ten years ago. She used to tease me about my manwhorishness and I teased her about being inexperienced in ze sex. At the time (and for years after), her nickname for me was, "Bastard" because most of what came out of my mouth was smartassed and offensive (some things really don't change). My nickname for her was, "Rookie" because of the inexperience and because I quite enjoyed how fired up she got when I called her that. I've never known anybody to flip the bird so quickly as Agent W did when she heard, "rookie". It was fantastic.
Agent W and I have been through a lot. And our friendship has taught me a lot (of course the rookie is the one who teaches the bastard). It's taught me about when to love somebody better and when to pick up your marbles and go home. She's one of my sounding boards. She tells me when I'm being an idiot. She reminds me that I'm a good person when I get down on myself. And the reverse is also true on occasion. And I'm fortunate to be one of those she reaches out to when she needs to talk. Our conversations run the gamut from stupid to serious. We go through a whole day speaking song lyrics. We have a million inside jokes that come and go from any given conversation. Some of the best advice I've ever disregarded has come from Agent W. And yet, she still gives me advice which I'm VERY grateful for. I value her opinion and I value having her in my life. And even though she's now within my age bracket, I'm gonna be all gentlemanly like and resolve to not trade her in for a newer, younger, less smartassed model. You're welcome.