Tuesday, January 7, 2014

That Time O' The Month

You'll recall this incident from late last year:

Her FB Status: The lady month of my twenties starts tomorrow and oh my damn is this accurate! [link to a story about life in your early twenties vs. your late twenties]
Her comment: LOL Ummm "lady month" should say "last month"... 
Me: LMAO I was like, "You only got one the entire decade?". I guess all those hormonalpalooza fights meant nothing...
Her reply: LOL Bite me

And now, we proudly present the conclusion of that...whatever that was:

Her: Hormonalpalooza 2014 has begun. You have been warned.
Me: *Offers up chocolate and puts on "it's always my fault" t-shirt*
Her: *Puts shank away*
Me: Also, congrats. I know you've been waiting on your lady month for like 9 years now.
Her: lol Bitch
Me: LMAO. Worth. It.

If I could remember important things as easily as I remember non-important things, I'd be on fiyah.