Friday, January 3, 2014

The Last One To Know, The Last One To Show, I Was The Last One You Thought You'd See There

So my cousin's ex-girlfriend tied the knot on New Year's Day with a fella who has some less than desirable traits. They've known each other less than six months, he's been unemployed the whole time, and I hear some of her friends (one of whom is an ex of mine, small world huh) suspect she's not in it for love, but just wanted a wedding. Some sort of misguided "fuck you, I am so too marriage minded" message to the cousin. I mean, her friends think this, which is quite telling. (Note: Screen your significant others for their dysfunction,  y'all. We're all dysfunctional, but there us such a thing as too damn much.) Meanwhile, the cousin is over here chillin' with his new (just dysfunctional enough to be frickin' hilarious) girlfriend and giving zero fucks about the ex. And I'm thrilled for him. He's one of the best people I know. He joked last night about how awesome it woulda been to show up at the wedding and see what kinda verbal smackdown would've occurred between me and her. I have plenty, plenty, to say  but have stayed outta the ring thus far. That conversation reminded me of this song. One of my aunts was obsessed with Garth Brooks in 90's, to the point where no other music ever played in her car. All Garth, all the time. Fortunately, I didn't mind. Everyone remembers him for the cowboy hat he always wore but dude incorporated a lot if different influences and styles into his music. Every time I hear this song, I can't help but sing it. It's a drankin' song. It's a karaoke song. It's a fun song. And it's a relatable one since we all got friends in low places. Lets kick off 2014 by going a little bit country and a little but "in your face, you traded down, you heartless wench!". (Credit for the term "wench" to Agent W).