Saturday, January 4, 2014

I Would Never Wish Bad Things, But I Don't Wish You Well

My first post of the year was about my cousin's ex having tied the knot. Well, surprise, TWO of my exes got hitched over the past week (not to each other, unfortunately). Tiny Jesus Girl married some dude she's been off and on with for awhile and my ex-fiancee also tied the knot with the dude she cheated on me with. I thought Spring/Summer was when peeps got hitched en masse, not New Year's Day. The funny thing is that the ex-fiancee is 40, TJG is 31, I'm 32, and whilst one of my older exes and my youngest ex were getting married on the same night, what was I doing? Well, the answer to that can't be posted here. But I certainly wasn't getting hitched, or anywhere near getting hitched (although, I was in Vegas, so I was closer to marriage than I will ever be again in my life). I'm not sure why, but I never expected TJG to marry anytime soon. Last time we spoke, she said she was "in between" with someone and that was about a month ago (maybe less). From in between to the altar in record time, yo. But I'm happy for her. She deserves the whole fairytale ending thing. As for the fiancee...meh. Had I known about the wedding yesterday, I would've included her in the "Friends In Low Places" blog because that's how I feel about the whole thing. That whole time, and our whole aftermath, was so messy and ridiculous (I've used mostly cliffnotes versions to go through it on here, the full story is rather complicated). The BF and I were talking about weddings and proposals the other night, ironically. She's been engaged twice, married once. I've been engaged once, never married. She's leaning towards never getting hitched again and ya'll know I have no interest in that. But we both wondered out loud what it would be like to be 1000% sure you're proposing to/being proposed to by the right person. Neither of us has done that. I didn't propose with "you're the one, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" on my mind. Not at all. And now all of that mess seems so far away that I tend to forget I ever was engaged. It seems like another life.