Monday, January 6, 2014

The Final Rose

Y: *sigh* I got all excited when I heard the new bachelor would be Latin. But he's still not my type.
A: Not the dark dude you had in mind huh?
E: lol He looks just like your white boyfriend 
Y: lol Yes, which is why I wanted him to be dark and delicious. So I have some different flavored eye candy.
Me: ...Why are we even talking about "The Bachelor"?
G: Enter the dark and delicious eye candy you crave.
Me: lol Shut up, G.
E: I'm Latin. I look it. I should be the next Bachelor
G: ...You have a girlfriend, E. Do you even know what "bachelor" means?
E: Uh, I've been one most of my life, fool. I know what it means.
R: Giuseppe should be the next bachelor. Have 27 women falling all over him and shit.
A: Yeah, it'd be nice to have all 27 of your women know about one another, huh?
G: LOL 'Seppe was born the ultimate bachelor. Docs probably removed him from the womb, put him in a tiny Hef robe and put a pipe next to him in the incubator.
Y: LMAO. I was there. I can confirm this story.
A: LMAO! That needs to be a movie scene. It would rival the sequence in the beginning of "The Lion King".
Me: LMAO Fuck you, G.
G: Not unless I get the final rose. No hands in the cookie jar til you put a ring on it.
A: He couldn't be the bachelor though because they all turn out to be jackasses. Something about being around 27 women who want you turns them all into douche manwhores.
E: They're also all rich.
R: lol MAJOR kink in the plan, then.
Me: lol But I already have the manwhore thing down