Thursday, January 16, 2014


G: Look ya'll...I'm about to drop some knowledge
R: This should be good
G: The greatest gift we can give ourselves is the gift of knowing we shouldn't give ourselves gifts.
E: And it was.
Me: LMAO WTF does that even mean??
Y: LMAO Ok, Iyanla.
G: LMAO Shut up
A: LOL Um...I don't even know
Me: I'ma drop some knowledge too
R: lol This should be even better
Me: I think the greatest gift the rest of us received was when the powers that be decided to knock off early on the day you were being fitted for brain cells.
A: LOL Preach it!
Y: LOL And it was.


Me: I feel like a zoo animal. My anemia doc had never seen an eardrum repair and asked to take a look. Then her brought in two more docs and a nurse to see lol
Me: I asked about my blood results and he's like, "oh yeah, they're fine" then calls another nurse to come look at my ear
W: Do they need one of those doohickey scope thingies to look in your ear and see the repairs?
Me: Yeah
W: Dammit...I wanted to see
Me: Lol I knew that's where you were headed
W: I've never seen one of those either
W: Did they knock you out?
Me: Yep. Genital anesthesia
Me: LMAO NOOOOOOOOO!!! GENERAL. General anesthesia
Me: But I was passed out so who really knows
W: And I wanna
Me: You wanna?
W: That was uhmazing
W: Totally
Me: Lol Did you spike your coffee this morning? I don't know why "I wanna" means
W: The whole statement was split in two.. 
[Five minutes pass]
W: I was repeating that I STILL wanna see your ear
[Five more minutes pass]
W: Dammit nevermind lol
Me: LOL amazing how the blank stare on my face can travel across an entire country, ain't it?
W: LOL yes!