Monday, January 13, 2014

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Friend: Hon, how are you?
Me: Pretty good. Hopped up on Advil
Friend: How high is the dosage?
Me: High enough so that it feels like I'm walking on sunshine. Not high enough that I don't don't my know name
Me: LMAO Or...high enough that I can't compose a coherent sentence apparently
Friend: LOL I want what you're having
Me: LOL Seriously

Oh, what a 48 hours I've had. Made all the more exciting by the fact that I've only been able to experience it all in mono, rather than stereo. Somehow, I managed to rupture my eardrum late Thursday night. I didn't know that I'd done it, so I went to bed and didn't think much of it. On Friday, it was painfully obvious what I'd done but I was reluctant to go to the doctor. Doctor Google (credit to a friend for that saying) said it would take eight weeks to heal but that I should be okay without medical assistance. Welllll, Dr. Google isn't exactly a Harvard medical grad. On Saturday, I woke up to find my ear bloody and my hearing almost completely gone in my right ear. I could make out very muffled sounds, but nothing more. I paid a visit to the ER and they gave me some fantastic meds for pain (nothing fun though, as I refused the hardcore stuff for obvious reasons). They also diagnosed the ruptured eardrum and decided that they needed to repair it surgically. And that Long story short, the repair seems to have been successful and I'm on the mend. I can hear again but they can't be sure if the hearing will be 100% until after it heals completely. Still, I am thankful that it seems to be improving. And super thankful for the high dose Ibuprofen they gave me. Thank you to e'eryone who reached out to check on me, it's greatly appreciated.