Thursday, January 30, 2014

I Never Wanna Act My Age, What's My Age Again?

Me: Whatcha doin?
Friend: I'm working and counting down the minutes
Me: Doing anything fun tonight?
Friend: Ehhh....youth ministry stuff 
Me: So then no lol
Friend: Lol correct 
Friend: What are you up to? 
[Ten minutes pass]
Friend: Calm down! You're overwhelming me with info!
Me: Lol I know, I talk too much

[A conversation about voyeurism and masturbation ensues]

Me: I think it's hilarious this is the conversation we're having before you go mentor the religious youth
Friend: lol you lead me to temptation so hard!
Me: LOL. That's what's printed on the memorabilia my womensz get when they leave in the morning
Friend: lol is it a commemorative paper weight that you set on top of the money and coupons you leave for them?
Me: lol more like a onesie with a note that says "just in case"
Friend: LMAO Dick.

[Another few hours pass before a conversation about superheroes ensues]

Friend: Farty is my superhero sidekick name
Me: And whenever you come on screen...
Me: In one of those little thought bubbles like the original Batman
Friend: LOL I wonder what would happen if we were to start acting our age
Me: LOL I wouldn't risk it
Me: Why start now? We're in our 30's. the finish line isn't so far away
Friend: lol good idea
Me: Tis an honor to bask in your immaturity Mabel
Me: That shoulda said "m'lady". All fancy like
Friend: Who the hell is Mable?
Friend: Mabel does sound like the name of a sister wife
Me: LOL You are, honey!
Me: How's this for romantical? If I were a polygamist, you'd be my favorite sister wife
Me: I know you wanna swoon. Go 'head, swoon
Friend: You know how to churn my butter! 
Friend: Oooooh baby! 
Me: lol churn baby churn. BUTTA INFERNOOOOOO *dances in 70's suit while rockin a fro*
Friend: lol. You can raise my baaaaarn, raise my barn! 
Me: LOL. Lovvvvvin' youuuuu is easy cuz you're low in saturated fatsssss
Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. La la la la la
Me: La la la la la
Me: La la la
Me: ...
Me: La la la laaaaa
Me: Ok I'm done now
Friend: lol thank you for that 
Me: lol what is this "acting our age" you speak of again?
Friend: lol I know not of which you spake 
Me: lol and you "spake" with an accent apparently
Friend: lol totally did