Monday, January 20, 2014

Jersey Boys

I don't know if I've mentioned this yet but...


I mean, holy crap. The last time they went to the big game, I was in high school and now, I'm months away from my 10 year college reunion. It has been a loooooooong wait, ya'll. Made to feel like a eternity by the Tebow debacle. My hometown is on fire right now and will be for the next two weeks, which will also seem like an eternity. But dammit, I am happy. Hell, more than happy, I'm freakin' thrilled and excited. And methinks that fool from Seattle who screamed into the camera and later carried on a Twitter war with a San Francisco player may have already swung karma in the Broncos favor. If ever there was a non-gracious winner, this dude would be it. On the other side are the Broncos, who have a QB that is the definition of class and who has elevated his entire team to be the same way. I really wanted the Broncos to beat the Chargers, I really, really wanted them to beat the Patriots, but I would sell Miss N in order for them to be able to win the championship (don't worry, she's being raised in a football family and fully understands why this would happen). There were some hilarious tweets and video from both the AFC and NFC games last night:

Shannon Sharpe is a beloved Bronco from the first Elway era and was a part of the back to back Super Bowl wins in the 90's. He's now a commentator for CBS and, while he is usually able to keep his love for his former team in check, last night he just could not contain himself. The video of this is hilarious but unfortunately it's not online. When the day began, Shannon looked like this (excuse the bad picture, it's all I could find):

During the post-game show, he put on his Denver Broncos gloves and was visibly thrilled about the result of the game. Then, as the other commentators talked, he put on his Broncos helmet and then tore up his notes and used them as confetti. Finally, about 8 minutes into the post-game show, he looked like this:

I loved the man when he played for us and I still love him now. Maybe even a bit more since he was so unabashed about his love for the orange and blue.

One of the first tweets I saw after the game was from a Colts fan. Let us remember that the arrogant as fuck owner of the Colts basically forced Peyton Manning out the door because he didn't believe he would ever play again after having had four neck surgeries. The Colts hung all of their hopes on a young QB who has yet to reach a Championship game, and was beaten badly by the Patriots a week ago. I'm sure this fella's tweet sums up what a lot of the Colts faithful are thinking right now.

I didn't see it myself, but Twitter was all abuzz about how Tom Brady was crying or overly emotional after the game. I loathe Tom Brady so I wasn't all that upset about this. And I don't really get it, if he was that upset. It's not like he's an almost 40 year old player who has never been to, or won a SB. Then, I understand the tears. But you have a number of rings and nobody expected you to even get this far in the 2013 season. Shut up and take it like a man. Or, as this person said:

Last week, everyone made a big deal about how often Peyton says, "Omaha" before the Broncos run a play. You can hear almost every audible he calls when they play at home because the crowd is almost silent (as was the crowd in Indy when he played there). Peyton was asked what it means in a press conference during game week and his explanation was great because it wasn't really an explanation at all (it's assumed that "Omaha" is the last thing he says before the play actually begins). It became such a big deal that many business in Omaha donated money to his charity every time he used the city's name during the game, which was a pretty great thing for them to do. But nothing summed up the hype over Omaha better than this meme:

It is said that ladies watch football for the men in tight pants, and sometimes that's true. Although most of the women in my life are actual football fans who know what's going on and who see the hot mensz in tight pants as a bonus. But never in my life have I seen so many people (not just women) comment on the looks of a football player. Enter Eric Decker. He's got a bit of a higher profile than other players because he's married to a failed country singer and they had a reality show last year. But methinks even if none of that were true, he'd still be a poster boy for a lot of people. The womensz are just all kindsa into him, even my mom and aunts regularly talk about what a looker he is. His nickname amongst the peeps in my hometown is "Homewrecker Decker" because I'm sure a lot of the ladies would gladly wreck they homes to spend some time with him. I'm a straight dude but even I have to admit that he's a good looking guy. And hey, if his looks contributed to a win...:

Of course, for every winner, there is a loser. And in this case, the big, fat, ugly, ridiculous, occasionally cheating losers are the New England Patriots. A lot of people hate the Pats and you can count me among them. For years, the Broncos could not beat them, whether in the regular season or the playoffs. Even with Manning, no one really gave us much of a chance to win. Everyone talks about their SB wins and the coach and QB but conveniently forgets things like their cheating scandal and how several NFL rules have been changed in Brady's honor. New England can do no wrong in the NFL's eyes, they even swept the Aaron Hernandez murder scandal under the rug. The Pats loss, however, is Africa's gain. It's common knowledge that before the championship games, apparel is made for both teams. The winning team gets shirts, hats, jackets, etc and the losing team's memorabilia is sent to Africa where it is used to clothe underprivileged people.

And finally, there's the Seahawks. My mom, uncle and a few cousins wanted to see us play the 49ers because they thought it would be an easier game. I wasn't so sure and rooted for neither team. Seattle was number one in the NFC and the Broncos were number one in the AFC so I kinda figured they would meet. I still see it as advantage Denver because Seattle's QB is young and rather inexperienced. He makes bad decisions when he's under pressure, so hopefully we can take advantage of that. And judging from this dude's post-game "interview", if one can call it that, Seattle is overly cocky. I've seen a lot of people say they're rooting for the Broncos after seeing this ridiculousness last night, and I can't say I blame them. Apparently, the Niners player was talking smack about the Seahawks player and that's what set this whole thing off. Then, it continued over to Twitter where they exchanged verbal jabs the rest of the evening (seriously? You just won your conference and you're going to the SUPER BOWL and you spend your evening on Twitter talking trash? Idiot.). Whatever happened to winning graciously and letting that crap just roll right off you? Oh, that's right, all of that was in Denver. I'm also a bit biased against Seattle because they've made a huge deal over the fact that they supposedly have the loudest stadium in the league. I wholeheartedly disagree. I've watched a few of their games and the crowd is definitely louder than usual but it is in no way louder than Mile High, where the Broncos play. Whenever you see the Broncos on TV, you can see the cameras in the stadium visibly shaking because it's so loud. I've never seen that on a Seattle broadcast. But Seattle won't have any of that in NJ in two weeks. Anyway, here is the idiot seen round the world:

And here is the absolute best reaction to it:

And so, the countdown to the big game begins. This is what everyone in Denver expected last year at this time but better late then never. It's almost better for me since my team will be coming to the town I live in to play for the championship. The kids will get to experience all of the insanity first hand, rather than hearing about it from the rest of us. And hopefully, my boys can bring home the title. How cool would that be? I still can't believe it's happening, ya'll. 13 days and counting...