Friday, August 9, 2013

90's Rhythm Is Gonna Get You

I was all ready to come on here and post a Gloria Estefan song and talk about how awesome she is and what a role model she be for all the Latino folk. I was gonna talk about how I love her voice, how she could sing me the phone book and I would be happy. I was gonna post, "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You" and talk about how it scared the bejeezus out of me as a kid because of the dude who goes, "OOH!" in the background. I was also contemplating whether I would post two of her songs because I couldn't really decide which I liked better. That's what I was gonna do. But then a little song called, "Nasty Girl" intervened. How, you ask? I was listening to my trusty radio app about a week ago and told a friend about a song I was hearing that included the lyrics, "I can't control it, I need seven inches or more". I told a friend about this and we joked about it, renaming the song, "The T-Mex Song" (read that blog post to find out why). I got a good laugh out of it and thought nothing more about the song. Then, I heard it again a few days ago and realized it is a damn catchy, if hilarious, song. The 90's were really something special, weren't they? For your listening pleasure, some of the best of the decade and some of the worst.