Thursday, August 29, 2013

We Got Money For Wars But Can't Feed The Poor

As you know, I don't really follow politics because they bore the hell out of me. Politicians strike me as a bunch of grade school children in adult bodies; they whine, they lie and they have no eye to the future and instead text impulsively to everything. The Republicans have been particularly juvenile since Obama toon office, deciding to pick up their marbles and go home whenever they don't like a policy (and let's face it, a good amount of their behavior has to do with Obama being African-American). Politics are just this endless cycle of stating what you're going to get done if people vote for you and then doing the complete opposite once you're elected. And I feel this way about all politicians, not just the Republicans. Did I one thousand percent believe Barack was gonna change the world in four or eight years? Hell no. But after suffering through the Bush administration, I was willing to pay my money and take my chances with whoever was running against Mitt Romney (seriously, the Democrats could've nominated a hamster as their candidate and I would've voted for it). Five years later, Obama has been about what I've expected. Yes, he's compromised on some things but with the way our government is set up he can't just declare something the new world order and have it be gospel. It has to go through this house and that house and all of those big, historic houses in Washington are filled with the same third graders in disguise. And the cycle begins again. Obama's has his moments; legalizing gay marriage, finding the terrorist responsible for 9/11, and I've agreed with much of what he's done. But I'm not on board with this whole "lets track Syria" thing. I understand why he wants to do it but I'm not sure all of the consequences have been considered. If this is a U.S.led attack, who do you think retaliation will be against? These people have had NO problem launching chemical weapons on their own citizens for the hell of it. Do you really believe they'll think twice (or rationally) before turning those weapons on their aggressors? I don't know about ya'll, but I am not in any hurry to mess around with chemical weapons. We do know for a fact that they have them, this isn't like the made-up weapons thing in Iraq. But still. This do not seem like the best idea. I feel awful about innocent people being killed for no reason, especially the kids, but an attack would trigger an even higher death toll and potentially move the fight here at some point. I just have a bad feeling about it all. And I had the same bad feeling when the U.S. began bombing Iraq. And look how well that turned out. We'll all wait and see, I guess.