Friday, August 2, 2013

I Broke A Heart Over Someone Like You

Remember the days before the iPod when you had to actually physically look for and then play the CD you wanted to? Yeah, I barely remember them either. I scratched up every CD I had because I was constantly rewinding or fast forwarding songs. Sometimes it was just because I wanted to hear a nuance in the music again or because I loved a certain verse of a song. This one I constantly repeat the second verse of because it's awesome. I was introduced to Linda Ronstadt early on in life because my mom loved her music and two of my uncles thought she was good looking (I grew up in a weird household). I don't listen to her a ton but I love her cover of this song. I heard her version long before I heard the original by Betty Everett. I like them both and they each have very different vibes to them. But the cover is my favorite just because of the power behind her voice. I've always been a fan of how she didn't shy away from her heritage in her music, instead choosing to incorporate it into her work. She's gone on to do a children's album as well as a few albums of Latin music inspired by her childhood. All of that on top of her rock and country albums and singles. I think the world would be a better place if there were more artists who could transcend genres the way she has.