Sunday, August 18, 2013

Things That Make You Go Hmm

Me: That sounds like it would be tough
G: Yeah, well it's usually homosexual though
G: hard*
Me: LOL Your phone autocorrected 'hard' to 'homosexual' Interesting...
G: lol Shut up!

[10 minutes pass]

G: I'm trying to make an illegal left turn and it's homosexual than I thought it would be
Me: LOL Well those homosexual turns do take forever
G: LMAO DAMMIT!! This effin' phone man!
Me: Uh huh lol

[1 hour passes]

Me: What's a synonym for 'difficult'?
G: Haha, you're just trying to get me to type 'h.a.r.d'
Me: So instead you type 'heard'?
G: SON OF A BITCH I'm gonna throw this fucker out the window
Me: LMAO. Worth it.
G: lol Well you got your wish. That wasn't homosexual
G: ... *sigh*
Me: lol God forbid you ever sext with that phone
G: lol I know. Total mood killer to talk homosexual to your wife