Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Right Brain, Left Brain

Me: Supposedly creative people have more self-destructive tendencies
G: Really?
Me: Yeah, something about chemicals in the brain
G: Huh
G: No wonder you can't even finish a sandwich without incident
Me: lol Right? That statistic explains my whole life.
G: LOL. I swear, it's not me. It's the chemicals!
Me: lol Pretty much
G: Is it nice to finally have something to blame all of your many, many, many terrible life decisions on?
Me: That's one too many manys. But yes. Yes it is.
G: What's the worst of your many, many, many terrible life decisions that you will now blame on your brain chemicals?
Me: Our friendship springs to mind lol
G: LOL Fuck you, you love me
Me: I used to but now I'm trying to change my self-destructive ways
G: You can't. It's in the wiring