Friday, August 16, 2013

Your Phone Ain't For Callin', Your Phone's For Footballin'

I was a Denver Broncos fan in utero, even though no one knew I was in there. Nothing is quite as maddening as a football game. On a good Sunday, you experience all human emotions and in a bad one, you go through all five stages of grief in the span of an hour. The Broncos were terrible for most of my childhood, but eventually managed to win back to back Super Bowls in John Elway's final few years as QB. But that was a loooooong time ago. So long in fact that Elway's now runs the team himself. And without question his best move as the boss was signing this dude named Peyton Manning. Perhaps you've heard of him? He was let go by his former team because they didn't believe he had anything left in the tank after multiple neck surgeries. But many other teams believed he did and Elway and company were able to sign him. Best. Move. EVER. After suffering through the perplexingly over-hyped and over-faithed Tim Tebow, legitimate football made its return to my beloved Mile High City. Manning only had one of the best seasons of his career in 2012 and certainly did his part to try and take us all the way. Unfortunately, his teammates did not believe in the concept of late-game defense and blew their shot at going to the big dance in the final minutes of the game. (What's that? Bitter? Yes, I still am.). And being so close has only made the fan base more rabid. This year it is Super Bowl or bust. The tide finally seems to be turning in Colorado sports. After years of mediocre or flat out terrible teams in all four sports, the Broncos and Avalanche have made good moves in an attempt to get better. It should be an exciting Fall.

This is one of the reasons I've been a Manning fan since before he was my QB. Dude not only has class but he has no trouble laughing at himself (his SNL United Way spoof is still hilarious). And one cannot look more ridiculous than the Manning boys do in this one.