Monday, August 5, 2013

Hip Hop Hooray

Oh, the conversations I have with Agent W. For all the things we have in common, our musical tastes can vary. We love a lot of the same music but she tends to favor more indie stuff, while I'm all 90's all the time. You'll recall our first convo about hip hop (ten years into the friendship, mind you) had us both so caught off guard by the subject matter that we both went all deer in the headlights (a phenomenon we've discovered repeats itself whenever we come up on the "Modern Rap" category on SongPop). I'm always pleasantly surprised when we get into a hip hop related convo. This particular one began a few days ago when I texted that I was listening to a station called, "Old School R&B" on my phone and that my beloved "Love Will Never Do (Without You)" had just come on.

W: I was wondering what had your panties in a bunch
Me: Right before playing that, the DJ said, "I look forward to playing more of these songs you may have liked so much that you went out and bought the 45"
W: Oh fuck him!
Me: LOL. Welcome to the land of panty bunch
W: LOL. We're the bunchkins!
Me: LOL Now there's a song playing where this woman says in spoken word, "I can't control it. I need seven inches or more. Now DANCE!"
W: LOL Seven inches or more can mean one long dong or one short arm
Me: It was the 90's. It probably meant both
W: lol Eewwwww
Me: lol Oh man, that station was worth the price of admission just for that song
W: lol Were you tall enough to ride?
Me: lol Yes. Complete with gimpy arm and e'erything
W: lol How cute you little T-Mex, you
Me: LOL. T-Mex

Two days later the convo was rekindled when she posted to FB that she'd spent the night before regulating her neighbor's 21st birthday party and that these damn kids had referred to 2Pac as "old school" and said they felt "so old" now that they were in their early 20's. Later in the evening, we caught up via FB and she'd posted a picture of her giving her nephews a piggyback ride, during the course of which she dropped one of them (all of this captured as it happened by her mom). Somehow, this convo took another hip hop related turn.

Me: Who dis be?
W: Seriously?
Me: 'Twas a joke. I see your piggybacking ass in that profile pic
W: LOL Piggybacking ass
Me: lol Gives new meaning to 'back that ass up'
Me: Back that ass up cuz you done dropped a chillen
W: LOL Drop him like he's hot
Me: lol That kid just kicked you, drop him like he's hot
W: LOL. If a kid got attitude, drop him like he's hot
W: You're making me wheeze, I'm laughing so hard
W: If a kid don't eat his food, drop him like he's hot
Me: If that kid climbs on you, drop him like he's hot
W: LMAO! Checked that one off the list
Me: That kid done bit you, drop him like he's hot
Me: I crossed that one off lol
W: LOL. If a kid turned 21, you drop him like he's hot
Me: If he calls 2Pac old school, drop him like he's hot
W: LOL Yes!

That was hilarious enough. Then came this morning.

Me: My sister AND bro are in town tonight!
W: Oooooohhhhh shit. NY won't know what hit it
Me: lol I know. Hurr-cane [the sibs and my last name] bout to be in full effect
W: lol Ooh baby baby, [last name] here and we're in effect
W: Want you to push it babe, coolin' by day, then at night workin up a sweat!
Me: LOL What it is with you and the hip hop all of a sudden?
W: Why you hatin?
Me: Oh I'm not. I'm lovin'.

I don't know why we're both so hip hoppy lately, but dammit it is hilarious.