Monday, August 26, 2013

Quick Hits

~ Yesterday I introduced Miss N to the wonders of Pixy Stix for the first time. If it's wrong to give your 5-year-old candy that is 99.9% sugar, then I don't wanna be right. She of course loved them. Miss N is in a weirdo phase. She won't eat certain things and she claims she no longer likes regular milk and will only drink almond milk. My mom has always done the 'if you don't like what's prepared then you don't eat' routine and I've done the same with Miss N. But dammit if that girl is not as stubborn as me. She just won't eat on occasion. Fine then. Be that way.

~ Custody has taken some interesting twists and turns lately. I've decided to hold off on going for permanent sole custody at the moment because Miss N's mother is trying to right the ship. I'll give it some time and see what happens I guess. I'm just glad she's finally coming out the other side of everything.

~ A friend of mine got engaged a few years ago to a dude who is boring as hell. I love her to death and the guy is good to her, but they are the epitome of opposites attracting. She's loud and talks a mile a minute and he doesn't say much of anything (at least, not around her friends). They were planning a wedding for late next year but decided instead to elope in the next few weeks. His best man is on some soul finding mission in Europe until the end of the year and won't be at the wedding. He also won't be able to plan the bachelor party. So who will? Me. I'm doing it as a favor for her since the wedding will be just the two of them (I was supposed to walk her down the aisle). But I'm not quite sure what to do. The last bachelor party I planned was my brother's and G helped with that and it was EPIC. But G can't help me here because he has a history with the bride (read: he done her wrong and she'd cut off his huevos if she could). Oh yeah, and all of this has to be planned by Saturday. Sooooo....yeah.

~ For the past three days I've had to listen to the females in my life express their excitement over the VMA NSYNC reunion. None intended to watch the entire show and none are Timberlake fans (most weren't even huge NSYNC fans), but I guess it was the whole nostalgia thing that had them excited. We DVR'd the show and skipped ahead to the much anticipated performance and...FLOP. To quote A, "What the fuck was that?!". Three days of anticipation for what turned out to be a minute of being "reunited". You could barely hear anything because the audio was terrible and the lights were so bright that you couldn't see most of them (except Timberlake, who I'm sure also made it part of the deal that no one's mics would be turned up and there would be no close ups of anyone but him). He barely sang with the rest of them and seemed to resent sharing the spotlight, which is not surprising given his reputation of being a jackass. People are comparing the whole thing to the Destiny's Child "reunion" at the Super Bowl and I can't say I disagree. I can't stand the way these peeps in groups break out and become solo stars and then totally forget how they got there. Would either Beyonce or Timberlake be the stars they are without their respective groups? Possibly. But that is not how it went down. Beyonce grew up with her bandmates and had no trouble snatching weaves and kicking two of them to the curb. Even Michael Jackson, the biggest ex-boybander in history, still went back to tour with his bandamates/brothers. But these other two can't even stand to share the spotlight for a five minute performance. Ego, yo. Ridiculous.

~ Because I am apparently a masochist, I have agreed to take Miss N AND Miss L with me to the eye doctor today. Yeah...two kids under six going to a place where there are racks of glasses and frames. That should be tres exciting (read: I'll be tying my tubes by the end of the day). But I'm encouraged by how they are peacefully watching "Finding Nemo" (a movie that NEVER loses its charm) and eating breakfast at the moment. Here's hoping that calmness lasts the day!