Friday, September 13, 2013

Distract Your Children Well

My brother-in-law's father is sick, which means he and the sister have flown out to be with him. Which means I was commissioned to babysit the chillens. Which means I couldn't fly home yesterday (although I may not have gotten out anyway due to all the flooding). Which means I had up scramble to find a new direction for the project I was gonna shoot this weekend, and I'll also be unable to go to the Broncos/Giants game Sunday. Although, the last part kinda works out because it means I won't have to watch my team amongst a sea of misguided New Yorkers. Instead, I will be attempting to get four kids (my sister's three; 14, 11 and 4, and Miss N) and myself through the weekend generally unharmed. I've done this before, and it included my brother's kids. No one died and I've been handed the responsibility again so I guess I'm a decent parental figure.
Thus far, I am not doing so hot. Last night, my niece asked how old I was when I lost my virginity. I said 30. Keep in mind, I'm 32 now and Miss N is 5. Unfortunately, the niece can do math and didn't believe me. I didn't know how to answer her question given that was her age when it happened for me. The solution? Everyone gets mini-s'mores and soda! That seems to have stopoed the questions for now. But I feel like she's gonna ask me again and I should have an answer ready (a lie, of course). I may have to go through this with Miss N in ten years time anyway so it's good practice. Tonight, we were all in the kitchen making dinner for my mom and I had mixed emotions. On one hand, it is fantastic to outsource chopping and stirring and running back to the fridge to a bunch of little workers. On the other hand, the younger set didn't appreciate my choice in music (an 80's/90's mix that is AWESOME) and made their feelings known. Loudly. Repeatedly. Whiningly. The solution? Turn it up and play the adult card!
A friend of mine has four kids under 11 and is with them ALL DAY LONG. She homeschools them, she goes to the store with them, she takes care of them when dad is on business trips, which is a lot this time of year. They're great, well behaved kids (as are mine), but DAYUM. I've been doing this for less than 24 hours and I'm tired. Tired and understanding of the folks who only have one child. Two is doable, I used to want three. Four kicks your ass and doesn't stop throwing punches even after a knockout. And now a member of the bunch just asked what an affair is. The solution? Everybody back up the kitchen to make sweet rice for dessert! (Only in this multicultural house would we have Italian for dinner and Mexican for dessert).