Thursday, September 19, 2013

We're Here, We're Queer (Just Not In THAT Way)

I love my entire group of friends equally. Would jump in front of a bus for any one of them without a second thought. Trust them all with my every thought, every past shameful deed, my life and the life of my child. And I know the reverse is also true. But as with any group, some relationships are closer than others. The BF and I have always been insanely close. R and A have always been tight, even before they became a couple. And E and G have always been besties. Any of these pairs bicker like old married couples on a regular basis. But E and G...well, they're their own kinda special. We were all shattered when E got his cancer diagnosis but without question G took it the hardest. The two of them didn't speak for awhile after E said he had no intention of getting treatment. They were starting to find some sort of middle ground when E changed his mind and began chemo and G was thrilled. He's basically moved his life here so he can be around to support him. And given how hectic things have been with work and family lately, G's been attending more of E's chemo sessions than the rest of us have been able to. But not until the past few days has his attendance produced such hilarity.
As the world is aware, Apple introduced its newest operating system for its products yesterday and there's been a mad scramble to download it. We're all a bit on the fence for various reasons and so none of us have bothered with all the hype. Still, G loves new technological crap and wanted to see what the iOS looked like in person. Most people would go to an Apple store later this week and mess around with it. G is not normal. E got into deep conversation with a fellow chemo patient and, out of boredom, G decided to download iOS 7 to E's phone. E was less than thrilled. He's lived with it for 24 hours now and says he's still not a fan and keeps telling G to fix it. On the way into chemo today, they were bickering as they do and continued to do so throughout treatment. At the end of the session, the doctor walked in and both listened intently to an update on how everything is going before E left the room to fill out some forms. G stayed behind to pick up their stuff and a female nurse approached him and said she thought it was really great that he comes to support E every session. G said it was the least he could do since E's put up with him for 13 years. Then the convo took a turn.

Nurse: "Wow! 13 years? That's amazing. Ya'll must be so excited the law changed huh?"
(Nurse continues cleaning up room nonchalantly)
G: "What law?"
Nurse: "Legalizing gay marriage."
G: "Um, actually we're not a couple. I'm married. To a woman."
Nurse: "Oh my god I am so sorry! Ya'll were so supportive of each other that I just assumed!"
Nurse: " E dating that exotic looking girl he comes around here with?"
G: "Y? No. Just friends."
Nurse: "The other girl, then?" (A)
G: "Nope."
Nurse: "The ridiculously attractive Latin guy with the eyes?"
G: "...Since we've already established that I am not gay, I assume you're talking about Giuseppe. Yes, he has eyes. And no, also not gay."

After establishing that E is not dating any of us, she asked for his number and G obliged. She's a nice chick so hopefully something comes of it. If nothing else, she provided us all a great laugh. Although I'm sure G and E don't think so since they've been dealing with, "So when is the wedding" texts all afternoon.