Thursday, September 12, 2013

To The Left, To The Left...Wait...No, That's Right

W: Some douche knocked off my drivers side mirror
Me: Like while you weren't there?
W: Yep
Me: Fucker
W: I can't think of an expletive good enough 
Me: How bout, "He broke off my left mirror. MUTHAFUCKIN LEFFFFFFT!!!!!"
W: LOL!!!!!
W: You are so attractive to me right now
Me: LOL. I felt it was the appropriate response in that situation
W: You were spot on
Me: Thank Fonz he didn't break off your right mirror huh lol
W: WAS my right mirror 
W: LMFAO Oh god
W: Apparently the bitch knocked my helmut off too
Me: LMAO. Good god
W: I'm laughing my ass off in the middle of a store. I just don't give a fuck right now.
Me: Oh man, this is hilarious.
W: I can't breathe. It's the shower all over again.
W: I needed the laugh so hard
Me: So did I