Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Am Not Scared Of The Elements, I Am Underprepared, But I Am Willing

Tis a busy week, both because of work and illness, but there's always an upside for this fella. The upside this time is that I've been able to catch up on a boatload of music I've downloaded over the past few months. iTunes downloads albums and adds them to my library when they're released, but sometimes I don't even notice until the next time I hook up the iPod (which is rarely). Even then, it's rare that I get around to listening to any of it at that moment. I have a tough time just sitting down and listening to an album all the way through. I like hearing albums in order but tend to skip around a lot, or find one song I love and replay it for days. I've had Sara Bareilles' latest album in my library for...let's just say awhile now, and I've been excited to listen to it since I loved the first two, but hadn't had the time. I finally got a minute to start listening to it this week and I was underwhelmed. It was okay, certainly better than most crap on the radio nowadays, but not as good as the previous two. I thought about switching to a different as-yet-unheard album but decided to finish what I'd started. And I'm glad I did. There were some good songs towards the end of the album. This one is definitely my favorite. I'm a sucker for a good song, even better if it's catchy. It's a simple song but I love the lyrics.