Saturday, September 14, 2013


You know, I'm starting to think I'm the reason that bad weather hits my hometown. I mean, in the past few years I've been here during blizzards and heatwaves. And now a 100 year flood. What's that, you ask? A 100 year flood is the kinda thing that only happens, well, every 100 years. It's an extraordinarily rare event that most people will only see once in their lifetime, if that. I would've been quite content to not have seen one in my lifetime. Instead, the entire state is flooding like crazy...and it ain't over yet. Let's recap: It began raining early in the week, and proceeded to rain for three days STRAIGHT. Seriously. The rain didn't let up once. Yesterday was sunny and had no rain, but many places and streets were closed (my mom almost couldn't get home from work). Today is supposed to be the big finale for the rain, and thus may produce even more flooding. It hasn't started raining yet but it's expected to this afternoon and into the evening. Everyone's been ordered to stay indoors so as not to get stuck in a lake somewhere and have to be rescued. There are images all over the news of people in boats and kayaks trying to get out of the water. People are even catching fish on main roads that have flooded. There's a lot of water in the state anyway, not to mention a major river. It's a good thing all of our sports teams are out of town this week because no one would be able to get to them, or get home anyway. So far, so good where we are. But tonight is making me a bit nervous. We had a weird ass power outage yesterday where only one light in the entire house flickered and then everything reset. The cable guide was knocked out, the internet had to be reset. It was like that flicker was just enough to disrupt things. Hopefully, we make it through everything unscathed and this rain lets up soon. Good vibes appreciated, ya'll.