Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hey Mariah, Go Back Like Babies On Pacifiyahs

A few weeks ago a friend was doing some work on a house that involved scraping the ceilings.

Friend: I'm peeling ceilings again
Me: Tres sexy
Friend: Oh I know
Me: Do you have the mask on and everything? Cuz you know that completes the fantasy.
Friend: Ho yeah...and I've got my hair up in a bandana
Me: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH FANTASAYYYYY *shakes he ass whilst on top of a '95 Jeep with the top down*
Friend: lol Are you wearing a midriff top showing off your furry two pack?
Me: lol My two pack isn't furry, just my chest. But in for a penny, in for a pound, sure I'll wear the midriff
Friend: LOL
Me: lol You're welcome

[Later that night, "Stalk you" is code for "love you".]

Friend: Stalk you
Me: Stalk you back sooooo hard that you think it's a...
Friend: LOL