Wednesday, October 2, 2013

True Love

No, really. Allll of this was said out of love.

Me: It's hockey season! I don't love anything more than I love hockey.
[Cousin looks at Miss N]
Me: Oh, right.


Cousin: Thank you for the, "you look like a whore" text I woke up to.
Me: You are quite welcome.
Cousin: Your signature on your texts should just be, "sorry this text was offensive"
Me: LOL. Yeah, probably


[While watching "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory"]
Miss N: I wanna live there!!!
Me: Me too, love. Meeeeeeee too.


Me: What color is your hair anyway? Black like your heart? Brown like your skin?
Friend: Lily white like your liver, you wuss!!!!
Me: Pure white like the holy men you corrupt, harlot!!!!
Friend: And the conversation comes full circle
Me: Most people would look at our texts and see dysfunction.
Friend: They would think someone bout to die
Me: They don't see the romance in namecalling
Friend: It's up there with pulling hair and cuffs
Me: Word