Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Little Crack Dealer

The beautiful thing about Miss N getting older is being able to introduce her to stuff I like (I'm sure there are other beautiful things about kids getting older, but this is the one I'm excited about). One of those things are Pixy Stix. I introduced her to the wonder of Pixy Stix a few months ago and we've both developed a bit of a habit since then. Mind you, Pixy Stix are almost completely pure sugar so it's more of a weekend habit. We also got the best friend hooked on them (again), to the point where she referred to them as "crack" whilst out of earshot of the kids. Or so we thought. Miss N is with the best friend this weekend and they went to the park where Miss N proceeded to sell her last Pixy Stix to a friend for a quarter. The best friend called to tell me about this incident and Miss N bumrushed her and grabbed the phone to say, "Dad!! I sold crack!!". And she said it with pride. And it was hilarious. On the one hand, we're gonna have to dial down the crack talk from her ever expanding vocabulary. On the other hand, the girl has bidness sense. A package of about 25 Pixy Stix costs a dollar and she made 1/4 of that off of a single stick. I see swimming pools and movie stars in our future...


Prior to Miss N's shenanigans, this happened:

Me: I cleaned out the fridge and took the trash out. I'm struggling with trying to open the dumpster and fling the trash in when I hear, "Excuse me, do you know The Lord Savior Jesus Christ?"
Friend: lol Only you
Me: I said yes. I'd just yelled out his name whilst trying to open the dumpster
Friend: LMAO!


Lastly, as we're all aware, I love hockey. And hockey is back. And last night my beloved Colorado Avalanche played their first game and their new coach, former Av's goaltender Patrick Roy, made his NHL coaching debut. It. Was. AWESOME. They won, 6-1 and it should have been a shutout because their goalie was amazing. In the final minute of the game, one of the Anaheim Ducks forwards stuck his leg out and threw an illegal hit on an Avalanche forward, but was not penalized for it. The final few seconds of the clock ticked down and a brawl erupted. The Avs did not take kindly to the no call on the hit and felt it was intentional and uncalled for since the outcome of the game had long been decided. The Ducks coach, who looks a lot dumber than he actually is, began jawing at the Avalanche bench and a Ducks player threw water towards the Avalanche players on the bench. Roy was LIVID and began screaming at the Ducks coach, eventually becoming so upset that he pushed the divider that separates the benches. On the second push, it almost fell over and he was pulled away from the drama by his assistant coaches. The scrum ended and everyone departed the ice, except for the winners. Of course, it's already gone viral and the league has handed down a $10,000 fine to Roy. The thrower of the illegal hit faces no discipline whatsoever, which is not shocking given the way the league has handled these situations in the past. (A Toronto player actually took two baseball swings at an opponent with his hockey stick and the only thing it cost him was two pres-season games.) There are people on both sides of the argument about Roy's actions last night. One half say it was completely uncalled for and that he's a goon who has no business coaching. But the smarter group (read: Avs fans) knew this was always a possibility. Roy was a passionate player and he will be a passionate coach. His team played very well and A LOT better than they played under their last coach. The last dude always had the same demeanor, win or lose, and never got upset about anything. Roy goes through the whole range of human emotions on the bench while he coaches. Management knew of his temperament when they hired him and everyone knew it would be a challenge for him to keep it in check. I think he was just genuinely pissed off about the intent to injure hit that Anaheim threw and that they were not penalized for it. I don't think he expected the dasher between the benches to give the way it did, he was simply trying to get his argument home to Anaheim's coach. The argument being that you do not throw dirty hits at his players, period. Patrick Roy can be a very classy guy, but he will also cut a bitch when he gets upset. Hopefully, he can keep it in check for the next 81 games and beyond. He certainly seems to have his team ready to play and fully committed to doing whatever it takes to win. One thing's for sure, the season will be anything but boring for the Avs.