Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Young v. Old, Gay v. Straight, Turtle v. Hobo

My sister and I stood in a cold ass garage going through a box of our old CD cases. Why? Because her 14-year-old daughter looked at us like we were aliens as we talked about having loved to buy a CD and go through the album booklet as you listened to the music. She's never purchased a CD. She's never even seen an album booklet (one that wasn't digital, anyway). That produced this exchange with a friend:

Me: The point of all this was to find some CD booklets because my 14-year-old niece has never seen one.
Friend: ...
Friend: I was contemplating suicide.
Friend: This pushed me over the edge.
Friend: Holy fuck...

There was also discussion about what I'm gonna be when I grow up...uh...I mean, what I'm gonna be for Halloween:

Friend: If you go as Splinter, I so want a photo
Me: Niet
Friend: Come on! I sent you a pic of me wearing a damn Hello Kitty t-shirt!
Me: I probably won't dress up anyway, I can't afford to.
Me: Unless I borrow a wig and go as a hobo
Friend: lol That means wearing your PJ's
Me: Nah, it'll be too cold to go door to door in my underwear...again
Friend: Hang on, I'm enjoying the visual
Me: The only difference between an adult hobo costume and a kid one is that I don't have to use coffee grounds as stubble lol
Friend: lol That and when you were a kid you were just pretending to be a hobo
Me: LOL Life makes fools of us all

And some lovely dating talk, turned 90's Alanis Morisette angst conversation:

Friend: Damn my attraction to bad boys! I shall be ruined!
Me: *cough* Holy men *cough*
Friend: Those were TWO out of aaaaall the mensz I've slept with
Me: Gay holy man
Friend: Zackly, so he doesn't even count
Me: Oh he counts, my friend
Friend: Nuh uh, I never touched him
Me: I'm talking dated, not fondled
Friend: I still don't count him, I refuse to call all that bs "dated"
Me: True
Friend: REFUSE!
Me: lol I already said ok
Friend: REEEEFUUUUUUSE!!!!!!!!!!1
Friend: I needed to scream that out
Friend: LOL! Perfect
Me: lol I could feel your 90's angst
Friend: And this is why I love you
Friend: lol with my long hair and mom jeans
Me: LOL and Hello Kitty shirt
Friend: And doc marten boots
Friend: LOL Ew