Sunday, October 20, 2013

Welcome To Earth

Me: Morning
G: Dude! I had the weirdest dream!!
G: Aliens settled over the White House and killed the First Lady. They had mind control over scientists and shit. Creepy as hell.
Me: LOL Uh, was Will Smith there?
G: ?
Me: Cuz that's "Independence Day", fool
Me: lol
Me: The NSA probably has you as a potential terrorist now because you're dark skinned and you used "killed", "First Lady" and "White House" in the same text
G: lol And now you're on the list too
Me: I'm sure I already was lol

This coming from the same dude who asked me if I saw the trailer for "Independence Day 2" before "Gravity". What he was referring to was actually the trailer for "Enders Game".