Saturday, October 5, 2013

We Got All Night To Set The World Right

I never thought I'd say, "That Neil Diamond fellow isn't bad". I have long disliked Mr. Diamond. I don't really know why. My mom is a huge fan so I've always known of his work. But it wasn't until the last year or so that I've actually listened to his stuff. And I can see why he was so popular. He's a good writer and he definitely has his own style. The first song of his that I took to was, "You Got To Me". The second was this one, "Cracklin' Rosie". Not surprisingly, the first is about a rolling stone of a dude being settled down by a chick and the second one is about a hooker. But I didn't know it was about a hooker until a few months ago when I really listened to the lyrics. Here is a dramatic reenactment of that moment:

Radio: "Oh, I love my Rosie child. You got the way to make me happy"
Me: "That sounds dirty."
Radio: "Cracklin' Rose, you're a store-bought woman"
Me: "Wait..."
Radio: "But you make me sing like a guitar hummin'"
Me: "Huh."
Radio: "Girl, if it lasts for an hour, that's alright"
Me: Huh.

This week's "The Big Bang Theory" ventured into Diamond territory, showcasing "Sweet Caroline", "Coming To America", and "Sherry" in hilarious fashion. So why not make one of these the song o' the week?