Friday, October 11, 2013

You Better Help Me Solve My Problem, I'ma Get This Money And Rob 'Em

I recently acquired a trial of Pandora One, which is the paid version of Pandora. The free version was the only one available when I got my phone and the first music app I downloaded. I was still an active user when the paid version was released and considered getting it because I loathe advertising, but was put off by the fact that I would still be limited in the number of songs I could skip. I got bored and moved on to Songza and more recently TuneIn, which has been my go to music app for months now. I know people who swear by Pandora so I figured I'd try it again. So far, so meh. Sometimes it's on fiyah with the songs it plays, other times it plays songs I have never heard in my life and I can only thumbs down so many an hour. I also don't like that I can't repeat songs, and it took me forever to figure out how to play everything I like on one station instead of skipping around. The past few evenings, however, it has been playing some kick ass tunes. And that is why we get a twofer on songs o' the week. This one I hadn't heard in ages and forgot how much I loved it. I'm not a huge ODB fan but he's got some good stuff. Fonz rest his troubled soul, the dude sounds angry in every single song he does. The "Fantasy" remix with Mariah? He makes "Japan, are you in the house?" sound almost too terrifying to answer. "Ghetto Supastar" with Maya and Pras? He's upset about...I don't know, something political. This one? Well, it's about his money so I can understand his frustration.