Friday, October 25, 2013

I Must Admit To You, I've Heard Them Lines A Time Or Two

I'm still coming down off my high from the TLC biopic so why not have them take over the blog two weeks in a row? I have to say that movie was impressive. It was trippy how spot on the wardrobe and recreations of music videos were. I also owe Lil Mama an apology. I was one of those who said, "Oh heeeeeelllll no" when I heard she'd been cast in that role, but she was the best actor in the film. She looked exactly like Left Eye in a lot of her scenes. Honestly, they probably should've done a two-part mini-series a la The Temptations biopic because there was sooooo much ground to cover and some stuff had to be grazed over or skipped altogether. But overall, it was awesome. You forget how much they accomplished and they did all of it in less than a decade. Being a Tweeter now (shut up), I found myself reading some of the comments people were making about the movie as it aired. People are freakin' hilarious. It's fairly common knowledge that 80's singer Pebbles mis-managed TLC in the early days, robbing them blind and leaving them in a financial hole it took years to climb out of. Her portrayal in the film was right in line with the stories we've all heard over the years and it became its own storyline on Twitter with the hashtag #PebblesIsSomewhere. The idea was to finish the sentence about where is nowadays, supposedly having married a lawyer and found Jesus in her new life. In spite of finding Jesus, she still denies any wrongdoing and won't acknowledge that there is any truth to how she was shown in the movie. She tweeted out before it even aired that she would file a suit and claim slander. In hindsight, she may want to file suit against all of Twitter cuz ain't nobody have anything nice to say to her on there:

"#PebblesIsSomewhere trying to figure out how she can get money from this movie"

"#PebblesIsSomewhere hoping no one will mention her in a tweet. Oops! Too late!"

"#PebblesIsSomewhere near a shredder #NoEvidence #NoCase"

"#PebblesIsSomewhere handing out contracts with promises of a lifetime supply of Ramen Noodles"

"#PebblesIsSomewhere chasing a damn waterfall"

"#PebblesIsSomewhere trying to sign Fantasia. She knows she ain't gonna read the contract"

LMAO that last one is just wrong but I couldn't help but laugh when I read it. However my favorite tweet of the night did not carry a "#PebblesIsSomewhere" hashtag. No, my favorite was an exchange between one of Pebbles' children and a random Twitter user whose name I wish I'd caught because he's my new favorite person ever. Apparently Pebbles' kid tweeted that she did not appreciate her mother's portrayal in the film (as if she was there). My new best Twitter friend's reply was GOLD:

"Well no one appreciated seeing your fat ass on MTV Super Sweet 16 eating through Chili's hair gel money"

Whoever you are dude, I love you. That comment made my life and even made my elders chuckle, and none of them are even fans. Good times. It came to my attention last night that my favorite TLC song of all time seems to change depending on the day. But I've always had a soft spot for "Diggin' On You", primarily the video version that incorporates horns. All of their music holds up remarkably well though.