Monday, October 27, 2014

Rat Bastards And Broads

When life permits, I've been playing "L.A. Noire" on Xbox. This game is about three years old but I bought it on a whim a few weeks ago and almost immediately became obsessed. The whole vibe of the game is amazing. It's set in 1940's Los Angeles, around the time of the still unsolved Black Dahlia murder. You play a detective named Cole Phelps as he works his way up from being a uniform officer and rises through the ranks of detective. Once a detective, Phelps, a war hero who has trouble accepting such a label, does time in a number of areas within the LAPD; Traffic, Homicide, Vice and Arson. Each department brings its own unique challenges and drama. Interspersed throughout the game are calls that come in on the radio for various minor and major offenses that you can choose to respond to. This game has everything; 1940's Los Angeles in gorgeous detail (including the Hollywoodland sign), some sweet vehicles from the time period (and I'm not even into cars), shootouts, interrogations, drug busts and car chases. It also incorporates a number of cinematic elements that serve to both advance the overall story and give you clues in the cases you're working to solve. It's part movie, part video game and totally enthralling.
One of the neater parts of the game is the music. There's the typical noir type music you'd expect to hear, but when you're in a car driving to your next destination you can hear radio shows and commercials and music from the 1940's. And what you hear depends on which care you're in (as an LAPD officer, you can commandeer any car you want). Sometimes I pay close attention to the radio and other times I'm more focused on what I have to do next in a case, but I couldn't help but listen closely when my ear caught the lyric, "Last night I went out drinking, came home and gave her a beating". All of a sudden, I turned into a Minion, "Whaaaaaat?". Then, I pulled the car over and listened to the rest of the song and caught another line, "His family, they're swearing to kill me, and if I killed him, he had it coming". It. Was. Hilarious. So much so that I resolved to find the full song and lyrics. And I was in luck because the awesome developers of the game included all of the credits for the music in the game's manual. It turns out that it's an Ella Fitzgerald song called, "Stone Cold Dead In The Market" and in its entirety, it's even more glorious that originally thought. This woman's husband goes out drinking, comes home and beats her and she takes a rolling pin to his abusive ass and kills him. And she says to his family, she says, she'd do it again and she don't care if she gets the electric chair for having done it. Hell, the husband even sings a verse after she kills him. Obviously, the subject matter isn't what's funny per se. It's more the happy tone they sing the entire song in. Like, "Yeah, he was abusive and I killed him for it but don't worry, be happy ya'll!". Tis the only song from the 40's that graces my iPod now. Thank you "L.A. Noire" for enriching my life in more ways than one.