Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wasted Away Again In Margaritaville

Well, it's been nearly a week since the gay wedding heard round the world and I haven't had time until now to properly go into everything that happened. Really, it was less a wedding weekend and more Crazy Aunt's kegger weekend. I swear to you, the woman was durnk the entire time. But we'll get to that in due time, kids. First, the wedding itself was awesome and the reception kicked ass. There was an open bar (of course, this is my family after all) and a mashed potato bar and a dessert bar. There were probably other things like dancing and toasts and ish, but I was in it for the bars. We later found out that another option they'd considered but ruled out was a s'mores bar and I though there was gonna be a riot over that. But three outta four bars ain't bad. We went to the football game Sunday night as a family, which was a great way to end the weekend. The grooms are heading out on their honeymoon this weekend.
And now, to the portion of the program I enjoyed most, Crazy Aunt's antics. I mean...words escape me, ya'll. It all began with the auto-erotic asphyxiation discussion on the way home from the airport last weekend (as documented here, in all it's hilarity). Then, she said she was nervous and needed something to "take the edge off" and began dipping into the alky-hol at around 11AM on Saturday. Mind you, this was after having had a good amount of drinks the night before at the rehearsal dinner. The cousins and I went to breakfast and came home at around 3 to find her slurring her words and having some difficulties coping with all the gravity that surrounded her. We gave her some coffee to try and mellow her out since she had to direct some of the wedding festivities and make a speech later and that seemed to give her a second wind. The ceremony went without a hitch, and then it was time for her toast. ...The toast...what to say? She rambled on and on for a good ten minutes and included such gems as; "This is the first wedding I've been to where no one getting married had vaginas and I loved it.", "I wish one of my kids was gay but they're not because they don't love me", as well as inquiring whether any of the rest of us were gay "including those with vaginas" whilst shooting my 8 months pregnant, single cousin a knowing look. She capped all of that off by wondering if she should just be gay, given that her three marriages to men didn't work out. Eventually, she passed out in a lawn chair in the neighbor's backyard after having mingled incoherently with the other groom's family (who probably didn't find it as hilarious as the rest of us did, but who cares?).
Did Crazy Aunt's hilarity stop after the wedding? Oh hell no. The next day, despite drinking coffee from the late morning hours until we left for the game, she still seemed...well, durnk. Maybe all that liquor stored up in her body and was on some kind of time-release system, I don't know. Whatever the reason, she proceeded to tell me that she got married at 19 and was too young and cautioned me to wait until I'm "at least 28" to get married. I took the bait and told her 28 was just around the bend for me, and was greeted with, "OH! Mijo! We should take a trip when you turn 30!". She had some kinda enthusiasm in saying that and I didn't have the heart to say, "A) I'm 33, B) You're still drunk and C) You're so drunk that you haven't had alcohol in 10 hours and you're still slurring your words.". After that, she settled in and watched the game and swore off alcohol for "at least a few days". Crazy Aunt, almost a week later, is finally back to her old, slightly less crazy self. She mentioned to me that she never got to go to college and I told her that she pretty much got the whole college party experience over the weekend. That seemed to cheer her up. And thus, my work here is done.