Thursday, October 2, 2014

But I Walk That Line, I Try To Keep My Senses And Make It To The Other Side, I Know The Consequences

You know that whole thing where you get to take a step back and and examine something from a greater distance than you used to? Yep, I'm there. The last two weeks of September were quite interesting for me and have resulted in the end of a relationship that ebbed and flowed for almost exactly seven years. And I think it might actually be a good thing. Lately I've been cleaning house, so to speak, and the timing of this fits right in with everything else. There are a lot of good people in this world but sometimes we get so bogged down with the bad ones and it clouds our vision. Not to say this person is one of the bad ones, she's not at all, but I've always figured something would eventually have to give between us. We straddled the line between being a part of each other and being completely independent of each other for way too long. But it still stings to let go. Probably because I'm 99% sure this letting go is for good, something we've never been able to fully do in the past. But the circumstances have made that a tiny bit easier for me. And you know, it's impossible to sum up seven years in one post. And I really have no desire to do that anyway. So I'll leave it with this song that sums up the situation quite nicely...

(BTW, this entire album is fantastic, ya'll.)