Thursday, October 30, 2014

Beauty I've Always Missed With These Eyes Before

I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmingly thankful for the good people in my life and seemingly unable to stop telling them all as much. People who choose day in and day out to love me when they're really under no obligation to do so is kind of amazing. I don't always deserve their love, but they keep on giving it anyway. And it really is a blessing to have people in your life who want nothing from you except your unconditional love. I'm not sure where all this thankfulness is coming from, but I've noticed the last few days that I've become more appreciative of everything in my life now. I went through a long period where nothing felt good, where I took so much for granted and, whatever the reason for how I'm feeling now, I'm so happy that I've finally learned to appreciate the good in life. Yeah, sometimes life sucks and it ebbs and flows faster than you're prepared for. But at the end of the day, you're alive and that's a major accomplishment in itself. It sounds cheesy as hell but be grateful for the people in your life, ya'll because they could choose to walk away at any given time. Or you could be gone tomorrow and the way you've lived your life up until that point would be your legacy. Make sure it's a legacy you'd be proud to leave behind.