Friday, October 3, 2014

Today's Debauchery Is Brought To You By Bryan Adams

Sometimes you get into a perfect storm of a conversation, as was the case today when Agent W and I jointly decided to do nothing all day. Her devoutly religious mom, lovingly referred to as Mama B, was also already running on weekend time and was running errands that she didn't need to, such as going by a church for a funeral when the funeral isn't until tomorrow. I made a joke about how she could be the grim reaper and shortly after peeps see her, they'd die. We also touched on a convo we had earlier in the week about how Y asked me to be her best man, but with the stipulation that I behave myself amongst the womenfolk at all wedding events I attend. (Shockingly, everyone I told about this had the same answer about it being impossible for me not to flirt with chicks. The nerve!). All of that came up in today's conversation and...well...