Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Come Play With Us, Danny!

That hilarious moment when you turn a convo about coconut water into a remake of the "Pina Colada Song", with a brief detour through "The Shining". #Winning.

W: It's good stuff, join us Giuseppe!
Me: "Come hydrate with us, Giuseppe. Forevah and evah and evah.
W: Creeeeeeepyyy. I'm picturing the girls giving us refreshing coconut water with little umbrellas...
Me: And then the scene goes from creepy to islandy when the P.A. system kicks on, "If you like pina coladaaaaaaas, taking an ax to the brain!"
Me: If you're not into leaving, if you love you some pain. If you love talking to yourself at midniiiiiight. And the ugly womaaaan bellyaches. I'm the hotel you've looked for. Come visit and never escape!
Me: lol Well, that's about as productive as I'll be all day.
W: Me too. And you did all the work lol.
Me: Well usually I'm the one laying on my back while you do the work. So we were due a switch lol.