Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ay Dios Mio

Crazy Aunt just got into "Gotham" and...well...

Crazy Aunt: I like this show, mijo. But when does the seal come on?
Me: ...The seal?
Crazy Aunt: Yeah, I've been kissed by a rose on the mange.
Me: LMAO...Um...where to begin...
Crazy Aunt: Begin what? What's funny?
Me: First off, it's just Seal, not "the Seal", as if he's a villain on the show.
Crazy Aunt: The black guy?
Me: Yes. The black guy. His name is just Seal.
Crazy Aunt: I have his album, it's the Seal.
Me: No...just no.
Crazy Aunt: The one where he's naked says the Seal. Maybe it's referring to his baby Seal?
Me: LMAO. Jesus...moving on. Second, that song he did was for that one Batman movie, not for everything Batman related. And third, it's "kissed by a rose on the GRAVE", not the mange.
Crazy Aunt: lol I thought that was a weird place to be kissed. Let me tell you though, mijo....
Me: Please don't. Whatever it is, don't tell me!
Crazy Aunt: I would kiss the Seal all over.
Me: ...Sometimes I wonder how damaged I would grow up to be if I were exposed to this version of you at a younger age.
Crazy Aunt: lol You'd be me by the time you grew up.
Me: lol And how!