Friday, March 13, 2015

Trying To Stop Your Leaving

A few months back, I wrote of the marital troubles my cousin and his wife were having, causing many of us to believe divorce was in the cards. Fortunately, the holidays seemed to put them back on track and they re-committed to their marriage and had been doing well throughout January and part of February. Their issues stem from a couple of things, the first being that they married fairly young and spent the first eight or so years of their marriage happily going out often and drinking a good amount. He was more cautious than she was about the drinking because addiction runs in our family and we're all very much aware of it. Her drinking continued after he all but quit, and was finally curbed when they decided to have kids. She wasn't exactly an addict but, like me, the substances had become a crutch so she did get some help to make sure it never happened again. Then they found out they likely can't have a baby and the whole thing went to hell. She started drinking again for a minute but then threw herself into work and travel, much of it without her husband. He was fine with it in the beginning, letting her deal with her ish and all that, but it dragged on for awhile and they fell into a grey area about what exactly they were doing. Christmas was pretty much make or break and I was glad that they decided to get it together and try again. But now comes word that they've brought their old problems into the new year.
My cousin DMC is the one who notices all of this stuff because he works close to the other cousin and they see each other all the time (they also both married Boston girls, unfortunately). But while he sees all that goes on, for some reason he thinks someone else should be the one to say something about it, particularly me. I'm guessing that's because I have no problem telling it like it is when I have something to say, although I do think it through before I comment on someone else's relationship since it really isn't my business. I did talk to both parties around Christmas and one of the things I put emphasis on was that things don't get fixed if you never talk about them, and you never talk about them if you're always both doing your own thing. That seems to be what they've fallen into once again. He traveled with her and all that for about a month, but then went back to work and it's like they're in separate lives again. They don't talk everyday and when they do talk, it's about basic ish like how their days were and not about the relationship itself. I know he wanted to try counseling and she wasn't a big fan, but short of that I don't know what could help them now. I'd hoped seeing my brother's marriage finally head down the path of divorce would wake them both up so they could see that things aren't all that bad. Yeah, it must be awful to not be able to have children, especially when you always saw that as a part of your plan, but it's not the end of the world. They could always still go forward with the adoption process, they know what it entails since they were kept in the loop by my sister when she adopted Mr. R some years back. But that doesn't happen if they can't get back to a good place.
This song came to mind as I was writing all of this. I don't know what their feelings are, they both said they still adore each other a few months ago but that life just got too hard and there's some sort of mental block there now. I feel like a mental block shouldn't be enough to keep two people who love each other apart, especially people who have loved each other for over a decade. I guess it's all just wait and see now, no one can do the work or decide whether to put in the work except for the two of them. And that sucks.